War Commander is a strategy game that is played on Facebook. Unless you are willing to spend your own money to play the game it will be a long and slow process to level up and progress in the game. Instead of spending money or leveling up bit by tiny bit, you can use Cheat Engine to help you progress quicker in the game.
Cheat Engine is a free program that you can download that allows you to actually see the message coding for the game, as you play it, and you can change the data using the program to give yourself an edge.
Welcome to our list of cheats and hacks for War Commander using Cheat Engine. You can download Cheat Engine at www.cheatengine.org for free at that site. We highly recommend going to www.youtube.com to learn how to use Cheat Engine, because the process that you select will differ depending on your browser. Just go to www.youtube.com and then search for “Cheat Engine Tutorial Chrome” or IE or Firefox. Get familiar with it before you try any of these cheats and hacks.
For all of these cheats and hacks, once you have replaced the codes or values you will always need to refresh your browser. Do this each time you use Cheat Engine to change something.
Try to pace the cheats that you do use, do not grow so fast that you draw attention to yourself, or your can get banned. Upgrade one level at a time or increase one thing at a time. Do one building at a time, refresh and then another building until they are all at the same level, do not upgrade from level 1 to level 5 suddenly, that will get you banned quickly.
Fast Unit Repair and Build Cheat
Open up War Commander and then start Cheat Engine. Open up the factory and decide what item you want to change the values for and see how much it would cost to make – let’s say that it might take 579.360 meta,l and 772.320 oil to make this.
- First convert metal value to hex.
- 579.360 dec to 8D720 hex.
- Separate the hex code from right to left like this (if the last number come single match you should add zero on it)
- 8D720 => 8 D7 20 => 08 D7 20
- Now reverse the code:
- 08 D7 20 => 20 D7 08
- Save that value: 20 D7 08
- Do the same with oil:
- dec to hex:
- 772.320 => BC8E0
- Separete Blocks and reverse:
- BC8E0 => B C8 E0 => 0B C8 E0 => E0 C8 0B
- Value: E0 C8 0B
- Now you need complete (with zero at the end) this value until he gets 4 hex codes (xx xx xx xx)
- Some exemples: 64 3B (2hex codes) => 64 3B 00 00 (4 hex codes)
- Metal Exemple: 20 D7 08 (3hex) => 20 D7 08 00 (4hex)
- Oil Exemple: E0 C8 0B (3hex) => E0 C8 0B 00 (4hex)
- Now merge both codes with metal first:
- 20 D7 08 00 + “E0 C8 0B 00″ = “20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00″
- Now you have the first string to search for “20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00″.
- Select Array of Bytes in cheat engine and search for this value, it will almost always give to you 2 or 4 values.
- Add all values to your list change the first one a little bit (like this value “64 00 00 00 E0 C8 0B 00″ it will change the metal costs to 100 only) and check if the value was changed in factory if not proceed to next value until you have got the correct address don’t forget to change wrong values back to original value (“20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00″).
- Now you have the correct address you should right click and “Browse this memory region” in that region you should see the current value (“20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00″ if you changed it back or “64 00 00 00 E0 C8 0B 00″ if you don’t changed back).
- Those values correspond to:
- Metal in 4 hex codes + Oil in 4 Hex codes followed by the build time in 4 hex codes.
- In our example: we have “20 D7 08 00 E0 C8 0B 00 60 54 00 00″ where “60 54 00 00″ it’s the build time value. You can change it all to “64 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 03 00 00 00″ it will make metal and oil build cost 100 resources each and time you will get about 3 seconds
- Do not try use lower timer value or it may crash the flash plugin.
- Now you have Fast Build and Fast Repair for that unit.
- For fast platoon repair, you should do this for each unit type you have in that platoon.
- It works at airport too.
- Open the game and then open Cheat Engine, choose your browser and set it on 4 bytes.
- Go to the unit that you wish to upgrade and it will tell you the amount of oil and metal needed for the upgrade as well as how much time the upgrade will take.
- Do a search for the amount of metal in Cheat Engine and then the results will display in a list to the left, click the first result, hit the SHIFT key and then click the last result and all results should be selected now. Now press the red arrow to move the entire list down.
- Go to the list where the results were moved to, select all and then right click and select change record, then value and change the value to 0.
- Refresh your browser. Repeat these steps only using the oil values instead. Refresh browser.
- Now repeat again, but for the time but do not use a 0 value, use a value of 5 for five seconds.
- Refresh your browser. You can now upgrade that unit.
- Open the game and then open Cheat Engine. Choose array of bytes, search for the hex code for the item you want to upgrade (hex codes listed below) and then change the hex code to “06 02 00 00”
- Hex code list
- Building Level Metal Oil Time
Command Center 2 86320200 86320200 C6120000
Command Center 3 069F2400 069F2400 06C20100
Command Center 4 06735500 06735500 068C0A00
Command Center 5 06366E01 06366E01 06A41F00
Command Center 6 060E2707 060E2707 E6197E00
Power Plant 1 C65D0000 863E0000 E6010000 first build
Power Plant 2 66EA0000 469C0000 66090000
Power Plant 3 F6490200 A6860100 FE3F0000
Power Plant 4 5EF70500 96D00300 266D0000
Power Plant 5 264E0E00 6E890900 2EBA0000
Power Plant 6 9ED71700 4EC32300 9E3D0100
Power Plant 7 36685900 CE9A3B00 D61D0200
Power Plant 8 FE029500 7E84DF00 5E9C0300
Power Plant 9 76877401 2ECB2E02 F6280600
Power Plant 10 E6FB7405 9E52A303 068C0A00
Metal / Oil Storage 1 D6070000 D6070000 E6000000 firsy build
Metal / Oil Storage 2 76170000 76170000 86030000
Metal / Oil Storage 3 56460000 56460000 06070000
Metal / Oil Storage 4 F6D20000 F6D20000 967E0000
Metal / Oil Storage 5 D6780200 D6780200 DEBD0000
Metal / Oil Storage 6 766A0700 766A0700 C61C0100
Metal / Oil Storage 7 563F1600 563F1600 06A90100
Metal / Oil Storage 8 F6BD4200 F6BD4200 A6800200
Metal / Oil Storage 9 D639C800 D639C800 66BF0300
Metal / Oil Storage 10 76AD5802 76AD5802 869D0500
War Factory 1 C64E0000 461F0000 CE000000 first build
War Factory 2 86D90000 06570000 86700000
War Factory 3 06580200 06F00000 06B40000
War Factory 4 06720600 06940200 06200100
War Factory 5 86B91100 06170700 D6CC0100
War Factory 6 06D43000 06921300 4EE10200
War Factory 7 06C48600 06E83500 AE9B0400
War Factory 8 06366E01 067C9200 765F0700
War Factory 9 06640104 06289A01 EECB0B00
War Factory 10 06ECF608 06485904 DEDF1200
Barracks 1 A6410000 461A0000 66090000 first build
Barracks 2 46B50000 86480000 86700000
Barracks 3 06F40100 06C80000 06B40000
Barracks 4 065F0500 06260200 06200100
Barracks 5 46C50E00 86E80500 D6CC0100
Barracks 6 86C52800 064F1000 4EE10200
Barracks 7 064E7000 06EC2C00 AE9B0400
Barracks 8 062D3101 06127A00 765F0700
Barracks 9 067E5603 06CC5501 EECB0B00
Barracks 10 06560F09 06BC9F03 DEDF1200
Airfield 1 865E0000 D6250000 C6120000 first build
Airfield 2 06050100 6E680000 86700000
Airfield 3 06D00200 06200100 06B40000
Airfield 4 06BC0700 06180300 06200100
Airfield 5 06451500 06820800 D6CC0100
Airfield 6 06B63A00 067C1700 4EE10200
Airfield 7 06B8A100 06B04000 AE9B0400
Airfield 8 0674B701 06C8AF00 765F0700
Airfield 9 0678CE04 0630EC01 EECB0B00
Airfield 10 0636C108 06F03705 DEDF1200
Tech Center 1 06710200 06FA0000 CE000000 first build
Tech Center 2 065F0500 06260200 D6070000
Tech Center 3 06D10B00 06BA0400 C65D0000
Tech Center 4 06FF1900 06660A00 C6D40100
Tech Center 5 06313900 6EE01600 06460500
Tech Center 6 36D27D00 1E543200 A6AC0D00
Tech Center 7 76CE1401 FEB86E00 46771B00
Tech Center 8 66F96002 F696F300 46F92F00
Tech Center 9 3EBE3B05 B6E51702 A61A5400
Tech Center 10 46152109 56F99A04 E6197E00
Academy 1 06770100 06960000 CE000000 first build
Academy 2 86A90300 06770100 D6070000
Academy 3 C6270900 86A90300 C65D0000
Academy 4 66E31600 C6270900 C6D40100
Academy 5 A65A3200 46241400 467E0500
Academy 6 66C76E00 C64F2C00 A6AC0D00
Academy 7 A6B6F300 467C6100 46771B00
Academy 8 662B1802 C677D600 46F92F00
Academy 9 C6563004 86EFAC01 A61A5400
Academy 10 86AD6008 06DF5903 06AF7D00
Defense Lab 1 C65D0000 C65D0000 CE000000 first build
Defense Lab 2 065F0500 06260200 D6070000
Defense Lab 3 06D10B00 06BA0400 C65D0000
Defense Lab 4 06FF1900 06660A00 C6D40100
Defense Lab 5 06313900 6EE01600 467E0500
Defense Lab 6 36D27D00 1E543200 A6AC0D00
Defense Lab 7 76CE1401 FEB86E00 46771B00
Defense Lab 8 66F96002 F696F300 46F92F00
Defense Lab 9 3EBE3B05 B6E51702 A61A5400
Defense Lab 10 46152109 56F99A04 E6197E00
Storage 1 06000000 06000000 06000000 first build
Storage 2 46130200 06900100 D6070000
Storage 3 C63F0500 06E80300 C65D0000
Storage 4 062F0D00 46E30900 C6D40100
Storage 5 86F52000 C6C71800 467E0500
Storage 6 C6655200 86C43D00 068C0A00
Storage 7 060ECE00 868A9A00 06181500
Storage 8 06230302 465A8201 06A41F00
Storage 9 86D70705 46F1C503 06302A00
Storage 10 C69A930C 46AC6E09 06BC3400
Oil Pump 1 4E0D0000 06000000 A6000000 first build
Oil Pump 2 461F0000 06000000 C6030000
Oil Pump 3 46510000 06000000 66090000
Oil Pump 4 46CE0000 06000000 86700000
Oil Pump 5 C6060200 06000000 06E10000
Oil Pump 6 86200500 06000000 86320200
Oil Pump 7 46D10C00 06000000 06460500
Oil Pump 8 06BD1F00 06000000 068C0A00
Oil Pump 9 86584F00 06000000 06181500
Oil Pump 10 06C1C500 06000000 06A41F00
Metal Factory 1 06000000 4E0D0000 A6000000 first build
Metal Factory 2 06000000 461F0000 C6030000
Metal Factory 3 06000000 46510000 66090000
Metal Factory 4 06000000 46CE0000 86700000
Metal Factory 5 06000000 C6060200 06E10000
Metal Factory 6 06000000 86200500 86320200
Metal Factory 7 06000000 46D10C00 06460500
Metal Factory 8 06000000 06BD1F00 068C0A00
Metal Factory 9 06000000 86584F00 06181500
Metal Factory 10 06000000 06C1C500 06A41F00
Bunker 1 861A0600 467E0500 C6120000 first build
Bunker 2 066A1800 06F91500 06650400
Bunker 3 06A86100 06E45700 06CA0800
Bunker 4 06A08601 06905F01 06941100
Bunker 5 066CDC02 065A6202 06282300
Mine Factory 1 469C0000 469C0000 06E10000 first build
Mine Factory 2 06710200 06710200 06C20100
Mine Factory 3 06530700 06530700 06840300
Mine Factory 4 06F91500 06F91500 06080700
Mine Factory 5 06EB4100 06EB4100 06100E00
Go-Go Bar 1 861A0600 06E20400 06E20400 first build
Go-Go Bar 2 C6270900 06D00700 86780700
Go-Go Bar 3 A6BB0D00 06800C00 066D0B00
Go-Go Bar 4 76991400 06001400 86231100
Go-Go Bar 5 2EE61E00 06002000 86ED1900
Walls 1 461F0000 06190000 06000000 first build
Walls 2 861A0600 06710200 06000000
Walls 3 066A1800 06350C00 06000000
Defense Platform 1 D6070000 D6070000 C6030000 first build
Defense Platform 2 06BADB00 06BADB00 86510100
Defense Platform 3 06449508 06449508 068C0A00
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